Saturday, June 12, 2010

post 3

OK. I want him! I want him baddddd! I'm a freshman attending a Illinois University and I am so obsessed with this guy by the initials of J.A.C. I had class with him but in the beginning I was crushing on someone else. I paid attention to how cute he was but was completely smitten by someone else. That person would give me the eye but he eventually transferred out and thus my obsession with JAC began. He was tall, vocal, opinionated and had the Justin Timberlake thing going on and he intrigued me. Now, know that we had been in class together since January 19th and then on a day in late April while waiting for a classmate to finish with a teacher, he spoke to me...OUT OF THE BLUE! HE SPOKE! Gosh, I was excited....I mean he'd been looking at me alot and i'd been dressing the part so he would. But we talked and later that night I messaged him about a class and he messaged back and then friend requested me. We talked a little and then he stopped. Now before we became FB friends..I stalked him..and showed him off to everyone as if he was mines! The fact that he stopped weirded me out and one day, I saw that he was going to a concert on campus and I immediately dragged a couple of my good friends to go. I wanted him to see me and I saw him and in my mind i knew he saw me but he didn't speak. Nonetheless, the concert was great and I love the band to pieces! So I wrote on his wall...saw u at the concert and the next day after class, we spoke about it and he walked me to work..we just talked the whole way. Later, I got him to make me a flashdrive full of music and then sneakily got him to give me his number. So recently, one day he was like hey, you are a very pretty and sympathetic friend and I kind of wish you were here with me. I feel hard over that...and then summer broke and things got weird. We talked a bit on facebook and I told him I want him and he didnt respond no or yes...he just said don't look to much into things and logged off. I texted him and told him I want him physically and he was impressed about how straight forward I was. I saw how he was having issues on FB and texted him last nite to encourage response. I'm tired of it and it isn't healthy. It isn't!!! I've deleted his number and texts (all 49 of them) but I still go on his page. It's making me sick and I'm tired of it...It isn't fair.

part 3

I have a crush on this guy in my class and I messaged him once on facebook but I never added him as a friend. I'm ultra paranoid so I probably will never add him now. It's getting pretty ridiculous though. When I search the first letter of his name he is the first person that pops up as if facebook knows I'm stalking him! He comes up before one of my actual friends on facebook with the same name who I have 60 mutual friends with lol! I'm afraid I'll quote something from his profile in our everyday conversations. I literally know too much. And if he tells me a story I have sometimes already heard about it via facebook. I barely know the boy but you can bet I know ALL about him. The things I do for infatuation. And the silly thing is that he might actually like me and I might actually have a chance if I stop being such a creeper sneaker.

Confessions of a "Facebook Stalker" 2

I had some hot college women living next door to me, and I wanted to see a little more of them. So, when they tried to use my open wireless internet, their names showed up in my iTunes shared libraries. Names led to Facebook pages, Facebook pages led to the Photo Stalker app, and now I've got some very nice beach pics of these two beauties...Bob/New Jersey/2 hours a day
I have this one friend who is just a really fun person. Every time I'm around him, I have a good time. He'll be all up on my facebook like "Hey, what's up?" and I'll be like "oh, nothing much. how's your college life?" (while flattered he spoke to me) and he'll never post back. In a week I'll say something else, and no reply. I rarely see him, never talk to him, and yet I'm on his facebook all the time, just looking at his wall-to-walls with other people, like "does he reply to you? becuase he doesn't reply to me." If I barely know him, why is this a problem?!

Confessions of a "Facebook Stalker"

I am simultaneously stalking like 5 guys. Pretty pathetic. Why my homework doesn't get done. HAVE GOT TO STOP. The site is fucking evil. Like its turning us all into stalkers. ayayay. Ann/Los Angeles/1-2 hours per day on facebook There's a particular person who doesnt have facebook but whos pictures i really want to see out of curiosity because they've become kinda famous recently, so the other day my friend had the awesom but tragically sad idea to make a fake facebook account and try to add people who we know knows this particular person lets call him jerry. Neither of us have ever met jerry or anybody who knows him, so it took a fair amount of research to find people who might be tagged in a photo with him, but we managed it (looked on his school website for people in his year, looosers!) . We then tried to make the account look more real, ie invente a good name, aded some discreet photographs of indeterminate people and added some randomers to look like we had loads of friends, then set about adding people we had found out would be tagged in pictures with jerry. It took a long time, but now we have our very own insight into jerry's life. He's a celebrity, an we know more about him than the tabloids! ok so he isnt that famous, just had a brief stint in reality tv, but it really is a tribute to facebook, and having too much time on your hands. I definately need sme sort of help :)
I change my picture at least twice a week to whatever most recent shot I have of myself looking especially cool or uncommonly attractive. I edit my personal interests and leave people pointless messages on walls just for the hell of it. I don’t really search for old acquaintances so I can keep in touch with them over the years; I simply want to see if they’ve dyed their hair, joined a sorority or gained a substantial amount of weight. Help me! --Jim / Los Angeles / 2 hours a day on facebook.
I was at dinner just last week and I said quite loudly, “by the way, I’m stalking Mark on Facebook.” The guy sitting at the table next to us was startled, and his girlfriend laughed. We looked at them inquisitively. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to overhear, but my name’s Mark.” “Oh,” I said, trying very hard to not be fazed by this. “Don’t worry, it’s not you.” Later in the evening I asked Mark to take a photo of us. Then I looked at the picture and announced, “That’s one for Facebook!” I'm an addict! -- Melissa / Brooklyn / 1.5 hours a day on facebook.
I have been "keeping an eye on" one of my Facebook friends, Melanie, for a couple of months now. I check her profile three or four times a day. I like to know right away when she updates her status. I enjoy looking through all of the 62 photos she has posted and all the photos that her friends "tag" her in. Melanie was just on vacation. -- Jason / Cincinnati / 1 hour a day.
Well I'm a female in college and have been Facebook stalking a crush of mine for well over a year now. I met him a total of 3 times before through mutual friends, though this was a long time ago (again, more than a year) and we really didn't get to talk to each other, etc. But I became obsessed with him through Facebook. I also was really crushed to find that he got a girlfriend at that same time. I look at her Facebook too and simply do not like her only because they date. It actually became a problem for me because I would spend so much time and energy worrying about him. I have found that I'm getting better, but I know that by looking at his Facebook in the beginning, I kind of lost touch with reality. So my lesson was: Do not assume things about people based on Facebook. Get to know them on a personal level and then you might not be as disappointed in the end to find your fantasy a blur.
My ex and I were on and off for most of the summer. During an off period, he met a girl that he "hung out" with. According to him, the fooled around a few times, but it wasn't serious. Nonetheless, they stayed in touch even when we were back together. He recently left for the Navy, and I looked regularly through her facebook account to make sure they had no FB Friends in common. Her freaking account is private, but she posts on this other guy's page I'm now stalking this random guy just in the hopes of seeing her posts. So that's me..stalking a guy I don't know who may not have ever met my Navy man. Normal much?....Heather/ 1.5 hours a day/ Baltimore
I spend so long looking at peoples wall-to-walls and absorbing random information only to find myself confronted with the people in real life. I have a habit of regurgitating this information, and they must wonder how I know all these intricate details. I also never friend request people on facebook and only accept them, so the way I stalk absolute strangers is through my networks! To be honest though it's human nature to be curious, that's what I tell myself anyway. There's about 5 guys I keep track of, tagged photos, wall posts etc. It's weird to think that we are the subjects of someone elses stalking too.-- Celine/England/2 hours a day
I've met this guy through common friends,we went out once and he never called me back. I wasn't a facebook addict but since I've met him I spend so muche time on the site, just looking at his profile hoping to have information about his life, and I'm stalking some of his friends who are tagging pictures of him.It's so pathetic, I'm even jalous of 18 years old girls who get to hang out with him (I'm 25 by the way)...Cindy

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It is not all BAD !!!

OK so all the story's I have written have ended bad and nor so good!
But I have come to realize that not everything ends badly!

I have meet so many wonderful people and have so many wonderful friendships because of face book ... Like all of you ... people that I have not seen in like a 100 years or new faces .... Yes it is all so wonderful I was told never to get drunk and go on face book …. But I did not listen at all and well I told a mean BITCH what I thought of her – Yah that went well NOT, well that was why this site was created right?

Also I find it crazy that there are sites for everything you need

Need Money, want to know what Oprah is up too, feel fat, Hate Bitches or love hot men, sex addiction , Madonna , Roger Federer , Michael Schumacher ,Kim Kardashian, I support Jessie James, hate life, I love big breast’s, I love big cock, smile at life
Gucci, Prada, Dr Phil, Dr OZ, Farmville, Poker, WTP, even builders and renovation places?
Question : do you really think all these famous people are really sitting at the computer letting you know what is going on in there life ?

Answer: Not a hope
(Just look at there twitter page)

Well I think you get the point !

I find it funny how you can meet someone on face book and they are like your long lost twin … I have meet a few I can only hope you do the same if not already, Oprah did a show the other day about people who have goggled there full name’s and there was even a movie on it … Well I did this a while ago and so many wonderful Tammy’s WOW.

Also I have found family on Face book and re connected my Uncle with his long lost son’s with just a click of a button... found some ex boyfriends too yup some were like having may hart broken allover again by them (not good) yup you know the ones the ones who are married and with children the good new was they got fatter and I’m hotter and there wife choice >>> Not even Hot and has nothing on you!

Well you understand!

The other thing that makes me smile is when you get to talk to family who you stopped talking to a while ago and looked at pitchers of yourself that you forgot about, and envy all the people take wonderful vacations to places where you would never get to see or how about the people that put there who life on there site?

Omg like we all need to know … you’re looking at the clock because it is Friday... Or taking out the dog … Enjoying the day … or I hate that man I hope he die’s … What would happen if that guy showed up dead?

But in all truth Facebook has met with some controversy. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including Syria China, Vietnam, and Iran. It has also been banned at many places of work to discourage employees from wasting time using the service., Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It later expanded further to include (potentially) any university student, then high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. The website currently has more than 400 million active users worldwide.

The original concept for Facebook was borrowed from a product produced by Zuckerberg's prep school Phillips Exeter Academy which for decades published and distributed a printed manual of all students and faculty, unofficially called the "face book".
Privacy has also been an issue, and it has been compromised several times. Facebook settled a lawsuit regarding claims over source code and intellectual property. The site has also been involved in controversy over the sale of fans and friends.

Wow who would have thought that something for school children would become so popular among people of all ages?

I think it is so funny that at anytime I can get a message from my mom asking to send her an energy pack or a bottle for her farm or anything else she might be a fan of (LOL)

But he one thing I love about face book is the face that someone is always there if you ever need to talk or might be in the same mood you are and that they may need the same up lift you do that day … or to find out that your friend just had a baby… or to know that someone you love updated there status (aka: face book official) or just a confirmation that your husband or wife has nothing to hide.

Anyway this is my way of saying that I’m happy face book is around for so many reasons and the face that one site can open your eyes to so many truths and welcoming new friendships .

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It is like Meeting the man of my dreams...... Then finding out about his Beautiful wife!

Have you ever seen a man or a woman in a store or at a bar or a cafe and thought wow what would it be like to kiss those lips or thought WOW he/she must be really good in bed well the same as a pick on face book and OMG the poker world !!!

See if you have never been on this is how it is.
1. You pick a table and sit
2. Just like real life you look around the table to see how much everyone has.
3. You get the Hello Tammy on side chat.
4. You look at the pick (See just like real life)

This is what happens to one of my friend’s yes this is how it all starts.......
then you say hello back and then the buddy request happens (I get this all the time only because I have 90 million chips and just like real life men want a woman to take care of them) This is not a piss on you man thing it is the truth and in so many cases this is something a woman looks for as well.

But in some cases this is an open invite in to the world of poker love!
now I have heard a lot of things but I have to say that like real life there is Jalousie omg can you imagine this is so funny a person who get mad over you sitting a poker table and talking to others can you pitcher that (LMFAO)

So this is where this story begins......

So she meets guys and they get talking about everything (well almost)
How's your day?
What's new?
And then it goes to NH - this is what is known as nice hand..... Then you say TY.... Thank you... and then the famous VNH- Very Nice Hand!
Then some how the Happy face :)
Then before you knew it she introduces him to all of us and we are nice and say hi......he is a buddy of a buddy right? WRONG
Well then one day my friend called and say's this guy loves me off and when you ask WHAT ... she tell you they play all the time and talk about life... me - What the hell are you talking about .. See woman forget that the more you tell a guy he will play on it, I'm so unhappy! What why honey? HONEY.... HONEY wow the only one who call's me that is my husband and well I hate him so ty then the BABE word comes on !
This is how the romance starts then you ask well have you told him you are married and they say YES OMG SO IS HE!!!!!!
At this point... you think ok what the hell is going on? Then the conversation goes from bad to real bad..... She added him on to face book and BANG see what people don't understand is that is all your information of your life is on that page and HELLO your family!!! Now he knew everything about her... yup

Question: if you meet a stranger on the street would you give him your wallet and the address of your work and the names of your kids and sister?

Answer: HELL NO

So why would you tell someone who could be a killer??? You have no idea who this person is!!!

I have a problem with this HUGE! But have you ever tried to tell a friend something and they just don't get it?

Well this is where it all changes and the truth came out...
They were talking on the phone every day: and they talk all the time but there is one major twist

Well guess what he did! Yup he told his wife everything..... So he says LOL

ME I don't believe this crap in a million years >>> NOT AT ALL

But she does and now she freaks out ... OMG I love him and he did this for me ... what do I do this is a bull shit question --- we all know she does not want an answer she loves all the drama and the feeling that someone loves her again ..... And what about his wife well she heard only one side HIS! And I don't think that when his wife married him she thought to herself this is the man that will cheat on me after 20 years of marriage with some internet whore!!
Well after only one day he told her that he went back home because he realized that he will loose everything his kids his home and most of all Money!

Well I always thought there is no price for true happiness?

Question: If your man or woman came to you and told you that they loved someone else and you kiss there ass out would you let them back in the house

My Answer: HELL NO I would pull a waiting to exhale on that mother Fucker!

Well I would think that anyone would or at least hope ….. Well not his wife! Yah right!

Well this went on for a little longer and then the big wave he wrights her and says good bye! (What a real man that is like breaking up with someone in a text or on a post it)

Well let’s just say it was not a good bye ….. And then bang a new profile with a cartoon pick and a different name! Yes you got it another story
This time his wife hacked his computer and logged in to his face book page and sow the one on one personal message that they had been sending to each other and now she knew everything about my friend and that is why he had the fake profile! OMG

And then the BIGGER BANG - He called wrote her to call him right away …. This time he told her that his wife planted and tape recorder in his truck and taped all the phone conversations (WOW this woman should work for the FBI)
In my mind this guy has watched one to many movies …

Need less to say his wife still let him stay at the house and gave him another chance

Anyway this story is never ending since this phone call tape and the tell the truth and the countless good bye messages this is still not over and is going to the next step they have arranged for a meet ! Yes they are going to see each other for the first time OH so sorry the newer story is that he left his computer on under his new name and forgot to log off and his wife threw him out of the house …………….

Final thought ……

This is the crazies’ thing I have ever heard of in my life!
In 32 years I never thought this really goes on …. This is like a bad love movie.

I have always been told that if you cheat with a man who is married and he leaves her for you …… What makes you think he won’t do the same thing to you!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


There is always more to the story.....
That line in life is true in so many different ways... We have all said or done something that we wish we could do over right?
funny thing is I have always told people that I have no regrets but the truth is I have lots but I call them learning experiences (Madonna thought me that) yes we are have regrets ... it may be we did not travel, you gained weight, should of saved more, spent more time with a love one before it was too late..... This is called life and as people would say we only have one!
But do we? .... I don’t think that is correct at all, see if you think in that mind frame of only one life and you don’t have a good one you put yourself out in the word for disappointment this is not your fault …. And only you can change it! RIGHT
Now if you have a good life that hey what the hell – you love life and want nothing to ever be changed right?
So what if you never get a chance to be your own person or make decisions based on what other people want you to do? Or you make it on your own as a way to be free ………..
Question: Who is the boss of you?
Answer: YOU!
But let’s say that you were brought up in a life that put the weight of the world on you and everyone wanted you to be the adult ….. You grow up fast, you take on way to much, and when you see an opportunity to let it out it becomes an addiction. That is why Face book is such an addiction to most people it is a way for … People who got married young to feel sexy , Hot , Flirt, in control and most of all to live there life without hurting the people that expect too much from them …. See it is hard to hurt someone that you don’t know and can never disappoint and you can share your personal details with and they don’t have an option because they one know what you want them to. And that way they can never set you up to disappoint you and if they leave you well who cares there is always that buddy request at a different table!
So let’s say you get married young and you never get to live you twenties having fun , getting drunk ,sex with a hot guy after one date , never getting to know what you like in bed or partying unit the sun comes up, going away with girlfriends , ( this makes me sad) I have done them all and way more LOL . I did them because I believed that when I’m 30-40-50-60 I want to know that I had fun!
And when I meet the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with I would know because I kissed way too many frogs …. And guess what I did! And that is the one part of my life that I have no regrets and I’m glad I did not meet him sooner BECAUSE I WAS NOT READY ! ME YES IT IS ALL ABOUT ME! AND THAT IS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FOR EVEYONE. Look we fight hard, we stress hard, but we love even harder that is something he thought me – the old me would of ran ….. But if you never fall down you will never make it back up and Face book is not the answer my suggestion is make a life list you know like a bucket list …
1. Party till I puke
2. Do something that I would never do ( jump out of a plain)
3. Go to Miami for spring break – who cares if you’re in your thirties party hard everyone is drunk
4. Make love for 9-10 hours
5. Some a joint and watch porn!
6. Dance around the house naked with all the blinds open.
I know you think I’m nuts but try it …… I believe that you should never say NO try log off of face book and live your live …. I think we should all PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR AND POUND LIKE A PORN STAR!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Reality May Bite.... But the truth hurts more !

All my life I have heard that the truth will set you free! Positive thinking will pave the way for good this to happen!
Well the truth is yes the truth will set you free but at what cost and who will you hurt? I think that woman think about this much more than me for sure, Woman have no problems asking for help or crying for no reason... or biting your tongue for the sake of hurting someone else even if it makes you look like hummm let me see what I have been called ..... Bitch, slut, whore, home wrecker, the worst person ever born, lire well on that note: I think you get it!
Who cares what will happen? let it come out I’m not saying anything or maybe they do but in a different way example: You see your buddies wife out with another man: way they come out with it - he buddy I was a XYZ the other night and I saw you wife and it was a mad house O looked for you and could not find you man (this leaves the window open for the question to come to him that way he is free)
They then get called a Buddy, Friend and a good guy!
This is also the case when it comes to Sex!
As all of you know woman are Slut's and men are Stud’s!
Ok yes this will lead to what this is about...........
I had to do one of the hardest this ever and I'm not that good at it ... Look I’m out spoken as they come hey look at this blog lol..... I had to tell someone the truth about the person they were becoming over this stupid world of Poker......
I knew there was more to the problem than just the cards that were being dealt at the table ...... it was about the cards they were dealt with in life...... I could hear the change and watched the change but how do you bring it up and get to the root of why this was happening? As a woman you are made with the DR Phil Jean: "I deserve the truth and I will not take any lies and do not try to Bullshit me because I will call you out on your crap"
Truth I'm not Dr Phil!
The problem is I'm not the only one I have heard of this before I think it should have a name let’s call it a face book intervention!

This happens allot more than people realize see what do you do when you have a friend the hides and run from the truth? Me I try to tell it like it even though it hurts.... How do you know you have a friend that lives in this world well here are the clues?
1. Everything they say is about face book or people that they have never met.
2. They talk about poker like it is real money (if it was I'm cashing out)
3. They never talk about the real word.
4. They call and don't talk because they are talking to you on the chat box at the poker table.
5. You tell them stories about other people on fackbook and they throw stones at them.

They need help and love... Because they need to know that this is a problem and you are there not across the table but just a phone call away.... this has happen to me like I said ... this one time a friend was so in to a guy that fed her all these stories about how bad his life is and how unhappy he was that she started to live in his world.... and had no idea what was happening in her own life ,,,, This is one of the biggest problems for men and woman because they need to feel that connect with another person and fell that this is what it should feel like as I have said time and time again ...... WAKE UP THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE......

And what happens when it becomes your all? You start to give up on the life you have been leading for what 30+ years because someone tells you how unhappy you are and how you need so much more and they are looking out for you...... As he is telling you his kids are in the car waiting to go to school......

If the shoes was on the other foot and you had no idea that your other half was on Face book talking to another woman and telling her everything you longed to hear, how would you feel?

The truth is the truth SUCKS right but it does not have to ...... you have someone in the world that cares that much to stand losing everything just for you because they care..... Yes your mad and don't see the problem.... That is why they call it a problem RIGHT?

Final / Thought......


Sunday, April 18, 2010


What Happens when life SUCK'S and you have no where to go and when you have no one to turn too?

Question: what would you give up for the chance at true love and happiness?


Question: What do you do when it all goes wrong?

My Answer: I don’t have one (Imagine That)

Well I have to give credit to all the men and woman who have picked there selves up and dusted them selves off and started over AGAIN!!!!!

This is a true hart felt story that I truly understand and have heard over and over again......... BUT WHY?

What happen to the old story of > boy meets girl and a girl meets boy....

Oh yah the internet and most of all a green felt table and a profile pitcher that makes you melt.... And the fact that you are single and looking for a new start, as I said it starts with one word HELLO ... and you want to type look guy I’m and fucken mess and I've been on an anti-depressant, and my real life is falling apart ......And I have a ex husband who makes me sick and I feel like I’m pushing my kids away and they hate me! But after all of this if you still want to say hello then so be it... But heaven for bid if you should like a real person Right? Instead you type >Hello MR Big and before you can hit send he has asked how are you? And that is when for the first time in a long time someone asked and really meant it! Then you keep playing and then he keeps it going.

> Big> Where are you from?
>Carrie> Hell (come on you know that is what you want to say but you type ... New York!
>Big> WOW I’m Australia!!
> Carrie > wow that is wonderful


As Carrie looks at his profile picture she thinks wow he is not bad :)
The ends and she goes to bed after all the chat and she thins to herself ... wow that was fun! And you never give it a second thought....



After playing for a couple of months every time you long on you get the POP up MR Big sent to an invite to join his table....... Then the Question ... Carrie add me to face Book.... Her things??? Then what the hell he is a good guy and I'm single why not ... (Oh boy look Out)
This is when it starts to build... And then she gets a little like go out Meg Ryan (YOU GO MAIL)
The messages start and things get way pass Hello:

He starts to open up to her.... and then it is her turn....

The truth... And as she types it start's to feel real and as she sees her words on the page it hits her (omg this is my life)

BUT MR BIG DOES NOT CARE AND HE MAKE HER BELIVE THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE OK... IM HEAR ... the words she has not heard in so long and it feels good then the poker world stops and We eventually exchange msn addresses, then get into skype together. Before I know it, we're spending about 6 hours a day online together, talking on skype the whole time.

>Omg this is so real this and it feels so right and what we have online seems almost magical. He's my best friend, and I'm his. We understand each other like nobody else does. We 'fall in love.'
There is nothing wrong with this feeling as long as you understand that UN like face book you can’t delete them and you can't block him..... When your hart is open it feels so right......
SO Carrie jumped with both feet so much so because her finances were going down the drain, and she was about to lose her house.... then her life changed (Take a breath)

Her ex-husband buys her house and possessions from me. MR Big and I make plans to move to Florida together, leaving her kids with their dad. In my mind, this is the best thing for everybody.

I can't wait to meet MR BIG in person. After all, we're both head over heels in love with each other. (Right)

Well she picks him up at the airport, and there weren't exactly sparks.
Time OUT:

You should always trust your gut... there is nothing better then a Womans intuission........

We continue with our plans, neither one of us saying a word about the lack of chemistry.

After spending nearly 4 months together, we ended up not getting married (which we had planned on doing so he could stay). We have some good times, lots of boring times and a few not so good times. He ends up going back to Australia. I ended up moving back home, except now she does not have a home so she ends up staying with her parents.

The End Right..... WRONG you have to understand that she has so many things to keep her going.... She never forgot who she is and how much it takes to do what she did.... The truth is at least she gave it a shot and that take so much......

So I was thinking about how to end her story but the truth is I see it as a new start.... hears is why.....

The man she thought she was in love with she can now see is a total tool (watching his fb page).

A big part of me is now empty. Did I ever actually love him? Or was I in love with the fantasy? Either way, my life is no longer the same, or she feel’s left alone to pick up the pieces and move forward on her own.

One good thing did come of the move though - she got off the anti-depressant and started feeling again instead of living numb. Knowing what I do now, I'd do things so different and still have everything I had before.

Her End.......

So hear is the point

1. A woman will only live in a dream for so long.
2. A woman will always believe in love.....
3. A woman knows what she has to do to SURVIVE........


Again a man would do this a look at this as a fun time and never give it a second thought.....

As a woman we want to die and call it a day...... But remind yourself I know he is still out there, He just has not found me yet :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Fake Fairy Tale !!!!

Have you ever thought about the first time you fell in love??
Yes the romance the kissing the all night phone calls! Yup and of course the SEX!!! OMG that first time do you know how good that feels and then the honey moon BANG OVER! Yup the book came to it end and you realize that all the stuff you were told was FAKE!!!

Yes Fake but..... on face book it never has to end the fairy tale no matter how much you tell your friends that it is all crap they some how hold on to what they think might be well the CINDERELLA story ... and if you have never met well why no right ? Yup that is the whole reason behind the Face Book romance.....

So your not happy and have had a bad day and you home life is a mess and then after all that you get on the computer.... you have already book marked face book and double clicked to open the page and type your email and then your password and BANG .... You are home yup the world of make believe. You get all the free chips and then you hit PLAY POKER and then you look at the live list and you see him the MR Right you have always dreamed of..... Yup your hart stops and you look around at the real life you lead and smile because there he is.....
Your prince and then you see it "Hello Hun" ...."How was your day" WOW someone who cares you thinks to your self yup I love Him/Her....
So I have a friend her whole life is such a mess she hates her life her husband and ever since Mr. X life has never been the same, because she feels this is the love she has been waiting for.... and over the next what 6 months you fall so in love with the idea of there being somone out in the world that gets you realy understand you and that makes you feel alive. Well this is a little trickier they are both married yup WOW what a secret both has kids and a real life..... then at some point the calls started (Oh boy) this is real now right then the story's I love you and life with out you well will never be the same then ... IM LEAVING MY WIFE ...OMG ....but funny thing she had no interest in leaving her husband! What would Cinderella think....? Snow white you there lol at this point I would say eat that Dam apple LOL.....

Question: Do you for one moment believe that Mr. X said anything?

Well jump a head now and guess what he is still with his wife and she with her husband and OH yes the fake account LOL yup he said the wife knows all and she is looking for this woman.... COME ON EAT THAT APPLE ALREADY!!!!

All I’m saying is the dream will always be a dream right?

But the truth is it will all be the same at the end, He will on the couch or the computer and you will never stop thinking who is he talking too? What have I done yup all you did was trade in an old dog for a new one and then dream ends and there you are looking for that missing piece again! That is why that dream is so much better on Face book he will never be there in real life but you will always have a MR X one click away 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The hours Spent on Face Book ?

Question: how long do you Spend on the computer? How long do you spend on face book?

I ask these question because they are very different, if you are on the computer looking up stuff that may peek your interest or your doing school work, finding out information to prove someone wrong this is what the world of computers are for!

The face book hours:
ok so you have all the fancy stuff updates to your cell; you can comment from you phone and live notifications that someone wrote on your wall or want s to be your friend and if it is your birthday well those things just go NUTS !!!!!!! Yes people love you?

but all that a side - you’re at home or work and you long on to take care of your Farm , Fish ,Island, Mafia wars, Cafe world ,Pet ville ,and POKER !
wow that is a full time job ... Funny story the first time i even heard of Farm ville was from Dr Phil who had a daughter on the show who wrote in about her mother who was always on the computer and did not cook, help her kids with homework or speak to her kids when she was on the Farm, now when Dr Phil asked what are you doing? She said she was taking care of her animals and her trees and helping out others.....

Funny thing was her family got none of that from her.... yes this is a problem!

When you hear stuff like this you pass judgment right away as you turn to look from your computer.... Funny right?

No it is not ... or how about the people who are posting stuff on face book and the other person in their life has no idea because they do not know how it works? Exp... Video diary's, Music videos, Harts messages, and one on one comments ... THIS TAKES TIME!!!! And the poker world well well....
you log in to get the free chips from buddy’s... you then have to press the play poker to see who might be on playing and what are they doing and I have to say hello .... Ok one quick hand then another... Then another ... you get where is going right? well the one thing is this is not 6pm at night NO this is 5:00 am and the next time you check the clock ... 7am and you already have said hello to the man that follows you everywhere and the friends from other parts of the world (time change) yup that is right 2 hours in front of a box that takes all the world’s problems a way.... Oh I forgot what if the world poker commission logs on to recruit a new player and OMG you’re not on?

Look I get it and yes I’m guilty of it ! But I know when to stop and I know that there is no chip cash out so I can take my money and go home.... and I understand about not wanting to deal with things at home because it is just too hard. But if you ever took a walk outside and saw people walking around or take a look at your partners face after 4 hours of play and the only words you say is OMG I just won a million + chips and he looks at you like you are crazy loon ...... Guess what you need to log off and take a good look around.... Because chances are you have killed your own little farm at home or in poker terms.... YOU FOLDED A ROYAL FLUSH LOL

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Married ones

Ok so what do you get when you have married men and woman who are not happy at home and who feel like they are nothing all on one site and start to get the attention that they have longed for? you guessed it Facebook ! well let me tell you , so you put a pic up on line of lets say you about 5-10 years agao and you look hot ! But not 5-10 years later and BANG 10*20 extra added to your fram right ? true story so you can control the way people look at you and make them think that you are so hot and young full of life and when somone asks that million doller question ARE YOU MARRIED? you think well .......... then the person types ? enter as you watch the screen hopeing that know one you knows shows up you type the first lie NO enter, Well that is how this all starts ,,,, I tryed to show my friends an example I put a pitc of Kim Kardashin as my profile pic and went and sat at a table to play poker well with in 5 sec all these wonderful comment started to pop up Hello Tammy, How are you , you are so hot , where are you from, LMFAO ! all my friends werre at the table as well  ..... then the question came up what do you do for a living ? as i had my friends on a side chat I told them to watch this !!! I told these men that I a surgent and work long hours and was so tired ....... then i told them I was a nurse and that i lived in LA ........ See look OMG i said this is not real life !!!!! Point is I can be who I want say what I want and someone from the UK , Texas, or where ever they may be and dose not know the diffrence ......  and if i was un happy and down on myself we ll hey if a guy him on me I would be all over that RIGHT ?   And the men well they do the same thing let me tell you !
I had this guy tell me to follow him to a room and wow was I suprised there was no players at the table just us and was not looking for a Royal Flush ! OMG so was intresed on how this worked so i went along, i asked point blank ARE YOU MARRIED ? his answer NO (lol) then he went on
(Guy)- I think of you all the time.
(me)  so do i
Guy - ok so i know we are far but do you think that we will ever meet --- true Tammy plz i need to know you make me sooooo Happy
ME - Yah sure but slow down

....... AER YOU KIDDING ME .............

SO one day I was so intrested in this man that i went to look for him ( when you send chips you see the persons last name and are able to see there profile)  and guess what I found him alright !

* hi I Mr X and I'm married to the love of my life and and have 5 wonderful children and just had a brand new Baby boy this past 09 and im a worker and in the minds ? ( he told me he did tatoos )
etc - you get this right?

***** So not married... LIE
***** 6 Kids WHAT ?
***** Sole Matte ****

who does that are you that stupid that you think you cant be found - think again hello this is 2010 .... google is our best friend. you can find anything on it HELLO or should i say anyone!!!!
So my point is ..... you can be anyone you want , you can look the way you want .... but all in all can you still look at yourself once you log off ?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello World :
So this is my first blog and I have decided to do this because I have way to many real story's about the biggest web site of our time. Did you know that people meet people fall in love and have never met ? did you know that people have left there partners for a fairy tale? or how a bout people that are so addicted that they stay up for hours and do not even spend time with there family's. I thought it might be a good life learning tool for people who have someone that is always on the computer ! And you can't forget all the games on face book that bring people from all over the world to the same table yes Poker, Farmville, Mafia wars etc......

Yes you have no idea what goes on when you are waiting for good cards !
everything you will read are yes true story's ! I look forward to hearing what you have to say and I hope this many help you if you have someone in your life that well just can't shut the computer off @ anytime of the day .........